понеделник, 14 май 2012 г.


1. Aries men work hard to get the girls they like. They are always up for a little challenge.
 2. Aries want to be with someone who will get along with their family.
 3. You know you’re an Aries when you can turn the smallest everyday errands into fun adventures.
 4. Aries despise losing.
 5. Aries don’t work well with those who hide their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
 6. Aries women usually more in control of their relationships.
 7. Aries are either extreme pessimists or extreme optimists: there is no middle ground.
 8. Aries don’t mind working hard to get what they want.
 9. Aries enjoy spending money on things that make THEM happy.
 10. Pissing an Aries off is like kissing an angry venomous snake: it won’t end in your favor.
 11. Aries are professional procrastinators.
 12. Aries hate when people try to control them.
 13. Aries women want a real man… not a little boy.
 14. Aries love to take care of their partners. However, they will always make sure they are satisfied first.
 15. Aries take on more than they can handle and often find it hard to finish things.
 16. Aries generally hide their soft side.
 17. Aries can become very resented by others.
 18. Aries don’t want you to just take their shit, they want you to fight back!
 19. Aries dive headfirst into relationships often resulting the relationship blowing up.
 20. Aries don’t want to hear you whine about your problems— they want you to shut the fuck up and listen to their advice on how to fix them.
 21. Aries will tell people how they feel without considering the other person’s feelings
 22. Aries love to flirt with people— they find it fun and exciting.
 23. Aries will use other’s weaknesses to get what they want.
 24. Aries are natural daredevils.
 25. Aries tend to talk louder than most.
 26. Aries hate when people copy them.
 27. Aries often fall to temptation.
 28. Aries can be very critical of themselves and others.
 29. Aries are great at and love telling jokes.
 30. You know you’re an Aries when you go 60 in a 35 mph zone.
 31. Aries live in the moment.
 32. Aries can be extremely opinionated and will not hesitate to debate their opinions with others.
 33. Aries often piss people off with their lack of judgment.
 34. Aries have the tendency to be really close one week and really distant the next.
 35. Aries has the ability to dominate conversations with their excessive talking.
 36. Aries appear to be extremely self confident. However, this isn’t always the case.
 37. Aries: Protector of the underdogs.
 38. Aries don’t allow themselves to be bullied— they stand up for themselves and kick some ass.
 39. When an Aries doesn’t meet their own expectations, they take it out on others.
 40. Aries don’t feel the need to explain themselves to anybody.
 41. Aries love to brag— they know how awesome they are and they want to make sure everyone else knows it too.
 42. Aries love telling others their plans for success.
 43. Aries will not take a position in which they cannot be in complete control.

The Aries Lover:

Aries are very affectionate people, in spite of the “me first” tendency. They are passionate and generous toward their loved ones. With warm and enthusiastic natures, they can be very demonstrative.

Sociable gregarious extroverts, Arians are fantastic to have around because they tend to add life and soul to any party because of their energetic, bouncy, enthusiastic nature. At times the Aries personality becomes very dark indeed when crossed by a lover.

Aries Heartbroken:

A broken hearted Aries is a seriously sad (or angry) person. In spite of their cheerful exterior, Arians are tender and emotionally fragile people. Prone to falling in love at first sight, they instantly put their partners on a pedestal. This is usually were the trouble begins.

Unless the two of you can talk through differences, the Arian will be very disappointed on discovering that their partner is less then perfect…

The romantic idea of being faithful to one person forever is appealing to Aries because of their strong sense of romance. However, if things go bad he or she may stray, in search of more attention, excitement and love.

 44. Aries would rather be appreciated for their brain, not their body.
 45. If an Aries doesn’t get their way— hell will be raised.
 46. Aries have fears even they themselves don’t know about
47. An Aries with an anxiety disorder will reject medicine and try to force themselves to get over it.
 48. Aries are willing to try things at least once.
 49. Aries aren’t usually in the wrong place at the wrong time.
 50. Aries may tend to brag, but they usually earn it.
 51. Aries give respect where respect is earned.
 52. Good luck getting away with telling a lie to an Aries— they will almost always catch you.
 53. An Aries will always call you out on your bull shit.
 54. Aries fear vulnerability
 55. Aries is one of the smartest signs of the zodiac
56. Aries Problem: being afraid of commitment yet afraid of being alone
57. If an Aries feels like they are under attack, they will fight to kill.
58. There is nothing an Aries loves more than proving someone wrong.
59. Aries take love very seriously when it’s real.

Aries Born in Year of the Pig

Some Years of Pig:
1971, 1983, 1995

Born in the Year of the Pig, you are characterized as strong, understanding, warm, loving, and hardworking. These lovely attributes are heightened by your Aries gallantry and extraordinary creativity. Your mind sees patterns, and thus you have quick aptitude for both artistic pursuits and business concepts. You’re not a loner— indeed, you work well in teams that strive toward a common objective. You’re also the most caring friend anyone can have. In romantic affairs, you’re a “protector,” and nothing is more important than a secure relationship. But you have a way of ignoring warning signals of someone’s negative traits, and must be careful about your choices in life.

If you were born April 18thYour life is connected to change, and as a result, you are an interesting, knowledgeable, and perceptive person. You are good at communicating, humorous, and sociable, yet you have a distinct private streak. Others can find you baffling at times, not always knowing what to expect!

You are creative and are happiest when you are creating something original. Routine positions should be avoided.

Famous people born today: James Woods, Conan O’Brien, Melissa Joan Hart, Rick Moranis.

60. As much as Aries care about those closest to them, they tend to take care of themselves first.
61. Coming face to face with an angry Aries is almost as bad as coming face to face with a speeding rocket
62. Failure is not an option to a determined Aries
63. Aries are great at giving orders and not so great at taking them.

Part of the Body Ruled by AriesAries rules the head and face. Others can often spot the fact that you’re an Aries because of your fine facial bone structure and a shining, healthy head of hair. Sometimes Aries people have a birthmark or mole on the face. The head is associated with thinking and perception, and you tend to be a sharp, shrewd thinker who uses common sense.

But you are also subject to headaches, including migraines, head congestion, and sinus conditions. You’re prone to minor injuries around the head and face, and should use protective headgear if taking part in strenuous sports. You have a tendency to overwork yourself and overtax your energy. You’re prey to eyestrain and to having problems with your teeth.

When excited or frustrated, you’ll often get red in the face. If you have a fever, it tends to reach a high degree in a short period of time. However, you have strong recuperative powers and can fight off illness very rapidly.

In addition to your sign governing a specific area of the body, it also is associated with various glands. Aries ruling planet, Mars, is linked to the adrenal glands. These are the glands that pump adrenaline into the bloodstream during times of stress and emergency. You are known for your impetuosity and excitability, qualities associated with your dynamic planet, Mars. Mars also rules the muscular system and the sex glands. You are active, have excellent muscle coordination and are noted for energetic sexuality.

64. Aries find it easy to get lost in music.
65. Without their own independence, an Aries cannot be happy.
66. Aries men tend to have more female friends than male.
67. Aries love neck biting
68. Aries have a uncrackable optimism, and even in moments of self-doubt, they don’t let fear sabotage them.
69. A touch of recklessness makes an Aries feel alive
70. Aries would like people to think highly of them but if someone doesn’t, an Aries won’t care.

Aries Rules

Don’t even bother telling an Aries that something is scary, or dangerous- you’ll be met with “uh huh, yeah, that’s nice” or a rolling of the eyes and sarcastic sigh.

Third Aries Decanate: April 11-April 19

Keyword: Foresight
Constellation: Cassiopeia, a beautiful queen seated on her throne who symbolizes good judgment. Down through the ages she has been a celestial guide to travelers.
Planetary subruler: Jupiter

You resent restriction of any kind and prize your personal freedom. For you, the perfect life is to be successful doing something creative, where you are in charge and call all the shots. Your sense of adventure often takes you far from home. You like to find out new information, to explore different field of knowledge. The occult interests you. You are shrewd and clever in business matters and may possess an insight or sixth sense about other people. There is a warm-hearted geniality about you that allows you to make friends easily. At times you can be too extravagant with money.

How others see Aries:Your upbeat, magnetic personality pulls people toward you—you bring excitement into their lives. They envy your aggressiveness in meeting a challenge. Whatever the problem, you give the impression that you have an answer ready.

You’re also admired for your honesty; you don’t gloss over difficulties. What people don’t like is your tendency toward bossiness and your deserved reputation for being sharp-tongued. They’re afraid to cross you in an argument because they know you can cut them to the quick.

71. Aries refuse to be held back.
72. Aries will vigorously talk back to a traffic cop or an armed gangster, if they annoy him.
73. Aries can be very judgmental.
74. If you’re an Aries, you’re a sex god. Guess what? I’m an Aries.
75. What was that? You want me to spell correctly? Fcuk you I’m na aARIES
76. An Aries will fight to the death to get what they want.
77. If an Aries obeys your orders, you must be pretty special… or you must hold a lot of power.
78. Aries hate taking orders from those inferior to them.
79. Aries don’t let little things upset their day
80. Aries have their own style and don’t care about what anyone thinks
81. Aries are quick learners
82. Aries have the tendency to ge a bit aggressive if they don't find things working the way they want it to.
83. In a relationship, Aries want you to tell it to them straight. They don’t appreciate people playing with their emotions.
84. Aries will defend the honest and crucify all liars.
85. Aries are able to inspire and move almostanyone with your motivational public speeches by appealing to their logic and emotions.
86. Aries are able to step up to challenges when no one else is willing to take them on, then seeing the end result and feeling accomplished.
87. People automatically look to Aries to lead them in making decisions.

Aries: This sign is ruled by fire and is cardinal, so it’s very easy for them to get riled up over even the smallest of things. Out of the entire zodiac, this sign is prone to the most frequent and violent outbursts. Because Aries are known as the “baby” of the zodiac, their sizzling anger is...

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